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About Us

A new dimension in industrial intelligence, Smartia is the UK’s leading Industrial Intelligence solution provider, connecting and transforming industrial data into actionable insights. By combining edge computing, a data capture and management system, flexible visualisation technology and AI-driven applications, Smartia’s MAIO technology and services provide a complete end-to-end digital solution for the manufacturing sectors.The team at Smartia have decades of experience in the manufacturing sectors and understand the challenges many manufacturing companies face. Industry 4.0 (also known as Industrial IOT) provides an opportunity to overcome some of these challenges. Every organisation has their own priorities and infrastructure in place, so it is important that a solution provides the flexibility to work within those constraints. Scalability is also a key factor in providing the right solution and Smartia have developed technology solutions that can be deployed across 1000’s of assets when the time is right. Finally once the solution has been deployed, end user adoption is of paramount importance, so making the user experience as simple and trouble free as possible helps to achieve this goal.