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About Us

Founded on ESA-ESTEC grounds back in 2008, MetaSensing is a young and vibrant company designing, manufacturing and marketing a diverse array of end-to-end, customizable radar systems known for their small size and ingenious architectures. MetaSensing has full control of every subsystem composing our radars. This unique know-how enables MetaSensing to design products with on-demand specifications (like space mission demonstrators), or with features not yet commercially available from other competitors. All products are continuously subject to both incremental and radical improvements, placing them at the leading edge of the commercial market. Continuously morphing knowledge into robust and reliable real-world radars, MetaSensing has manufactured airborne SAR systems at different frequencies (P, L, C, X, Ku, Ka) at multiple interferometric and polarimetric channels for virtually any known SAR application: land cover classification at L-band, forest biomass estimation and FOPEN at P-band, dual-frequency/tomographic imaging of ice and snow structure at Ku-X-band and Ku-L-band, X-band moving target indicators. In more recent years, the company has transcended the boundaries of airborne SAR to expand to ground-based SAR systems for deformation monitoring (FastGBSAR), solid-state, fully polarimetric weather radar systems at X and Ka bands, as well as ground-based military surveillance and tracking systems. We are not done yet. The best part lies ahead of us. We are intrigued by the new possibilities offered by fully electronic antennas, GPU parallel processing powers, data visualisation technologies and waveform diversity.