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About Us

Emqopter was founded in 2016 as a Spin-Off from the chair for Aerospace Information Technology at JMU Wuerzburg, where the core team developed a quadrotor able to navigate through the premises of the chair autonomously as part of the project AQopterI8. Since then the company engages in the field of automation technologies for flying robots used in industrial applications. Emqopter´s core competencies are precise environment awareness, efficient signal processing and reliable autonomous flight control. Following that Emqopter is not a drone producer in the traditional sense, but a technology integrator. Speaking metaphorically Emqopter provides the “senses” and the “brain” of the drone as well as the software to make everything work together. Our portfolio contains four products: 1. The Delivery Drone which is the first drone that is regularly operated in urban unregulated airspace in Germany on fixed routes between customers sites. 2. The Quadrotor Control System (QCS), a teaching system which is used by universities and secondary schools worldwide in research and education as well as industrial companies in research and development. 3. The Collision Avoidance Assistant (CAA), a plug-n-play flight assistant for collision avoidance and active distance control for multirotor, supporting ultra-sonic, infrared, LIDAR, camera systems and even complementary systems (sensor fusion). 4. The Quanipulator, a drone with a mechanic gripper arm to pick up, transport and lay down light-weight objects in indoor applications (ware houses, production).