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ECRIN Systems

ECRIN Systems

About Us

ECRIN Systems has built its development around thrIn more than 40 years of existence, ECRIN Systems has built its development around three activities to become one of the major players in industrial computing and on -board electronics on the French and European markets:

Engineering and ODM services from Computer-on-Demand.

The design and manufacture of ECRIN ready to application" products.

The marketing of COTS modules with the associated systems integration.

This triple skill makes ECRIN Systems a unique partner in the embedded field which is characterized by its strong capacity for innovation and solid expertise.

Recognized by major clients equipment manufacturers and manufacturers ECRIN Systems pays particular attention to designing and supplying innovative and robust systems that meet the most demanding requirements.ee activities to become one of the major embedded electronics players in the French and European market:- Engineering Computer-On-Demand & ODM services.- Design & Production of ECRIN "Ready to Application" systems (Industrial servers rugged "SWaP-C" computers control command consoles …).- COTS/MOTS V.A.R/Distribution & systems integration.Discover our corporate video (2 mn) on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roolcIq3mjA
